Lieutenant General Michael Howard retired from the US Army in October of 2022 after 36 years, and he currently serves as the Chief Executive Officer for Warrior Focused Solutions located in Huntsville Alabama. WFS focus is maintaining the Army’s premier training environment at the US Army’s Combat Training Centers.
Mike also serves as the President of MLHoward Consulting, LLC in Atlanta, Georgia. With this company, he serves as a Senior Advisor, Professor, and Speaker on NATO, US European Command, Ukraine-Russia, China, and National Security and Leadership.
In the Army, Mike led Soldiers at every rank he held culminating his career as the Deputy Commanding General for US European Command.
He served principally as an infantry officer but also had assignments with Special Operating Forces (Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) and The Ranger Regiment).
Much of his service was during times of conflict and crises. His awards include: Combat Stripes (11), Bronze Star Medal (5), Combat Infantryman’s Badge (2), Ranger Tab, and Master Parachutist Wings.
Michael earned his bachelor’s degree from Mercer University in Macon, GA and his master’s degree from the National War College, National Defense University in Washington, DC.
Lt. Gen. (ret.) Mike Howard
former US European Command Deputy and European Command Director of Operations
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