Dr Savio Babu

MBDA Technical Manager – Air Launched Weapons

Savio has a PhD in Weapon Bay Aerodynamics having worked on the subject of carriage and release of weapons from internal bays. This led him into the development of MBDA’s 5th Gen internally carried SPEAR missile. He then spent several years on the development of Mission Planning Systems and training of Tornado and Typhoon pilots on mission planning for Storm Shadow. Following this, he briefly worked with the Meteor International Joint Project Office on the integration of Meteor on the KAI KF-21 aircraft. In his current role as Technical Manager for Air Launched Weapons, he manages the capability development across multiple MBDA missiles (ASRAAM, Brimstone, Meteor, SPEAR Family and Storm Shadow) and air platforms.


/ 11:15 - 12:45 / Scene -

Modernisation of the Polish Air Force and the Aviation of the Polish Armed Forces